
innovative solutions


Revolance UI Suite is an alternative to declarative UI testing. UI tests requires a lot of maintenance, which can rapidly grow into a nightmare. Revolance UI analyses your running application UI. All pages are automatically analysed: buttons, links, images... and even more! Then you can review the changes of your application. It's as you do it with a classic SCM client except that for an HTML UI you need to track positions, looks, content, ...


100% HTML5/CSS3/JS compatible

latest FF support

compare browser rendering

regression detection


style consistency accross pages

upload application model from ui



Explore your live application

Enter the information to reach your home page, tune your resolution then select your browser before starting the exploration of your application!

application list

Manage a large set of applications

Monitor up to 100 applications

Page layout rendering

You can view the pages of your freshly explored application

application details
review creation

Review the changes of your application

Create a review to compare two applications.

Monitoring the review status

Your fresh review is now marked as created! In order for you to complete it, you have to review all the changes of the target application.

review list
comparison top

Compare two applications pages

A first level of comparison allows you to prioritize your work by filtering the page changes by their nature:

  • look
  • layout
  • content
  • url

UI review is then split between functional changes (new content or new url) versus pure styling troubles (new look or new layout). You can inspect the elements composing the pages (Link, Button, Data, Image) to achieve a fine grained review.

Fine grained comparisons

The fine grained comparison allows you to see what has changed inside the pages of your application. A deleted element is marked in red while a new one is marked in yellow. The ones in blue indicates that the element was already there in the reference page but that a change occured:

  • value
  • look
  • position
  • target url
  • nature (Link/Button/...)

When all the changes have been reviewed, you can update the review status of the page, which in turn moves the review status from created to started.

fine grained comparison
review is closed

Closing the review

Once all the pages have been reviewed, the review is automatically marked as closed!